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Re: New York Times article

> > Anyone thinking that NFS is a secure protocol has holes in his head.
> > The surprise is that the NYT thinks this is a valid example of what's
> > wrong with the Internet as a commerce medium.
> > 
> i'm not surprised - media people are stupid sh*ts.
> instead of commiserating on this list, does anyone know if the nyt has an
> email addr - i think everyone who has posted to this list should send those
> idiots a copy.
> grg

Hey gang,

Unfortunately I have not had a chance to look at the article.  Normally, or
at least at one time, one could reach authors at the times by using the
address scheme, author@nytimes.com.  Try using the address editor@nytimes.com,
maybe that might work.  I'm currently browsing (i.e. trying to browse.. things
are going SLOW at the momment, the online version, i.e. http://nytimesfax.com),
to see if I can get more details.



Ben Nowlin                 | If you don't get what you want in life, it's either
NASA Lewis Research Center | a sign that you seriously didn't want it, or that
ben@lerc.nasa.gov	   | you tried to BARGAIN over the PRICE.	
